Understanding your car driving test result


Driving tests can be confusing, with multiple parts and elements to evaluate a driver’s skills. To help make sense of the results, this article provides a comprehensive guide on understanding your car driving test results. The guide covers different aspects of the driving test, such as ancillary controls, awareness and planning, clearance to obstructions, control, emergency stop, and more.

Ancillary Controls

Ancillary controls are good driving habits that enable new drivers to take advantage of telematics insurance by tracking them. These include using demisters to clear the front windscreen, maintaining control of the vehicle while using one of the controls, and turning on the windscreen wipers when it starts to rain.

Awareness and Planning

Comprehending your driving test results related to awareness and planning is easier if you think about reacting to other road users. You must anticipate the actions of cyclists, pedestrians, motorcyclists, and the like and their potential hazards. The professionals at orangemover.com also note that this is a crucial skill for passing truck driving exams in the future.

Clearance to Obstructions

This aspect of the test focuses on how well you can manoeuvre around moving and stationary vehicles while keeping a safe distance. This means not driving too close or too far from other vehicles.


Control is where the most common mistakes during practical driving tests occur. Poor control includes over-steering, selecting the wrong gear, rough gear changes, sudden braking, and the like. This demonstrates a lack of control over the vehicle.

Emergency Stop

An emergency stop can also be referred to as a controlled stop. During this task, you are marked on how quickly and steadily you can react to the examiner’s signal to stop the car.

Following at a Safe Distance

Comprehending your driving test results in this category involves understanding the proper distance between your vehicle and other moving vehicles. You must also adjust for weather conditions such as fog, rain, or hail.

Drive Forward into a Parking Bay

This is one of the more complex manoeuvres you will have to perform. You need to park within the marked lines without making additional corrections, steering too close to other vehicles, or failing to check for other drivers before the manoeuvre.

Overtaking, Meeting, Crossing

If you master these three skills, driving can appear effortless. You need to understand when to give way, quickly react to approaching vehicles, appropriately react to cyclists on the road when overtaking them, and behave safely in all scenarios.


Junctions require great care, particularly roundabouts. You need to judge the speed of an oncoming vehicle, check other roads, position properly so as not to cause delays for other vehicles, and never approach a junction too quickly. For instance, if you are positioned too far to the left, turning onto a minor road will result in a mark down.

Move Off

During this part of the test, you must prove that you can safely move off while driving. You need to avoid moving into the path of oncoming vehicles and avoid stalling when moving off. You must also always check your blind spot and never lose control during the manoeuvre.

Pedestrian Crossing

Understanding your driving test results regarding pedestrian crossings is straightforward. You must stop and never move while someone is crossing or cross too quickly.

Position and Normal Stops

The examiner may randomly ask you to stop and pull over to the side of the road. Blocking other road users, parking with wheels on the pavement, or blocking a driveway are all grounds for failing.


This involves keeping a proper distance from things. If you drive too close to the pavement and pedestrians, you will fail. The same applies to straddling lanes or driving for too long in the right-hand lane of a dual carriageway.


This involves safety checks performed


In conclusion, understanding your car driving test results can be a daunting task, but this guide provides a comprehensive overview of what is being evaluated in each part of the test. From ancillary controls to use of speed, this guide covers all the important aspects of the driving test. By understanding the results of your test, you can improve your driving skills and become a safer, more confident driver on the road.