Knowing the speed limits on UK roads is essential not only for staying safe but also for avoiding fines, penalty...
road safety Articles

Driving for the First Time After Passing Your Test
Passing your driving test is an exciting achievement, but driving on your own for the first time can feel daunting....

Dealing with Tailgating: A Balanced Approach to Road Safety
One of the most common yet dangerous situations on the road is tailgating. For those unfamiliar, this occurs when a...
Mastering Independent Driving and Sat Nav Use in Your Driving Test
Obtaining a driving licence in the United Kingdom is a major milestone, and one of the crucial aspects of the driving...
Can I Take My Own Car to the Driving Test
Taking your driving test is a big step, and feeling confident in the car you'll be driving is important. For many...
The Latest Driving Laws in the UK
Driving laws in the United Kingdom are ever-evolving to prioritize road safety for all motorists and pedestrians. As...
The Negative Impact of LTNs on Driving Lessons in Oxford
The introduction of LTNs in Oxford has had a significant impact on driving lessons in the city, including those...
What to Do in Case of an Car Accident
Getting into a car accident can be a scary and stressful experience, but knowing what to do can make a big difference...
Irresponsible Drivers Endangering Learner Drivers and Instructors
Learning to drive is a valuable life skill that provides individuals with the freedom and mobility to navigate their...