road safety Articles

The Science of Defensive Driving

Driving is more than just getting from point A to point B—it’s a complex interaction between you, your vehicle, and the ever-changing traffic environment. Defensive driving is a skill that can significantly reduce the risk of accidents and keep you safe on the road....

How to Read and Use Roundabout Signs

Roundabouts are common features of the road network in England. They are designed to improve traffic flow and safety by reducing the need for traffic lights and stop signs. However, roundabouts can also be confusing and intimidating for some drivers, especially those...

Mastering Independent Driving and Sat Nav Use in Your Driving Test

Obtaining a driving licence in the United Kingdom is a major milestone, and one of the crucial aspects of the driving test is the independent driving section. In this part, you will have to show that you can navigate confidently using a sat nav or by following a...

Can I Take My Own Car to the Driving Test

Taking your driving test is a big step, and feeling confident in the car you'll be driving is important. For many people, this means using their own car for the test. But is it possible to do this? The good news is, yes, you can take your own car to the driving test....

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